
Investing in innovation in commercial real estate

When it comes to investing in commercial real estate, Investium is not solely focused on achieving financial results. We are also committed to supporting sustainable solutions that contribute to a better future for our planet.

Focusing on the future
From the belief that only sustainable and modern real estate holds value for the future, Investium places great emphasis on the sustainability of commercial real estate. Therefore, we are always looking for investment opportunities in companies that offer innovative and sustainable solutions for the construction, maintenance, and management of commercial real estate. Supporting such companies not only contributes to a better future, but also to sustainable returns for our investors. Investments in these kinds of companies often also result in reduced operational costs and a better reputation. You can't get more of a win-win situation than that.

Our expertise
Innovative techniques, innovative products, Investium sees the value it can add. We are always eager to connect with innovative companies and start-ups with promising concepts. Together, we make the future brighter!

More information

Michel Verkijk
(+31) 6 55 70 02 26

Real Estate

Investium investeert en ontwikkelt zelfstandig en met partners. De formule ComfortZone Offices is onderdeel van Investium Real Estate.

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Het team van Investium adviseert bij diverse vastgoed vraagstukken voor zowel gebruikers als investeerders in de breedste zin des woord.

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